The Ugly Truth (Armstrong)

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The Ugly Truth (Armstrong)

Сообщение Ned » 20 май 2010, 23:12

I never liked Armstrong, I'd say I always hated him, as to me he is an awful person with brains. I hope you guys saw the news about Floyd Landis.

Please read the original email from Landis and make your own decision.
2002: I was instructed on how to use Testosterone patches by Johan Bruyneel
during the During the Dauphine Libere in June, after which I flew on a
helicopter with Mr Armstrong from the finish, I believe Grenoble, to San
Mauritz Switzerland at which point I was personally handed a box of 2.5 mg
patches in front of his wife who witnessed the exchange. About a week
later, Dr Ferrari performed an extraction of half a liter of blood to be
transfused back into me during the Tour de France. Mr Armstrong was not
witness to the extraction but he and I had lengthy discussions about it on
our training rides during which time he also explained to me the evolution
of EPO testing and how transfusions were now necessary due to the
inconvenience of the new test. He also divulged to me at that time that in
the first year that the EPO test was used he had been told by Mr Ferrari,
who had access to the new test, that he should not use EPO anymore but he
did not believe Mr Farrari and contin
ued to use it. He later, while winning the Tour de Swiss, the month before
the Tour de France, tested positive for EPO at which point he and Mr
Bruyneel flew to the UCI headquarters and made a financial agreement with
Mr. Vrubrugen to keep the positive test hidden.

2003: After a broken hip in the winter, I flew to Gerona Spain where this
time two units (half a liter each) were extracted three weeks apart. This
took place in the apartment in which Mr. Armstrong lived and in which I was
asked to stay and check the blood temperature every day. It was kept in a
small refrigerator in the closet allong with the blood of Mr Armstrong and
George Hincapie and since Mr. Armstrong was planning on being gone for a few
weeks to train he asked me to stay in his place and make sure the
electricity didn't turn off or something go wrong with the referigerator.
Then during the Tour de France the entire team, on two different occasions
went to the room that we were told and the doctor met us there to do the
transfusions. During that Tour de France I personally witnessed George
Hincapie, Lance Armstrong, Chechu Rubiera, and myself receiving blood
transfusions. Also during that Tour de France the team doctor would give my
room mate, George Hincapie an
d I a small syringe of olive oil in which was disolved andriol, a form of
ingestible testosterone on two out of three nights throughout the duration.

I was asked to ride the Vuelta a Espana that year in support of Roberto
Heras and in August, between the Tour and the Vuelta, was told to take EPO
to raise my hematocrit back up so more blood transfusions could be
performed. I was instructed to go to Lances place by Johan Bruyneel and get
some EPO from him. The first EPO I ever used was then handed to me in the
entry way to his building in full view of his then wife. It was Eprex by
brand and it came in six pre measured syringes. I used it intravenously for
several weeks before the next blood draw and had no problems with the tests
during the Vuelta. Also during this time it was explained to me how to use
Human Growth Hormone by Johan Bruyneel and I bought what I needed from Pepe
the team "trainer" who lived in Valencia along with the team doctor at that
time. While training for that Vuelta I spent a good deal of time training
with Matthew White and Michael Barry and shared the testosterone and EPO
that we had and discu
ssed the use thereof while training.

Again, during the Vuelta we were given Andriol and blood transfusions by the
team doctor and had no problems with any testing.

2004: Again the team performed two seperate blood transfusions on me, but
this time Bruyneel had become more paranoid and we did the draws by flying
to Belgium and meeting at an unknown persons appartment and the blood was
brought by "Duffy" who was at that time Johans assistant of sorts. The
second of which was performed on the team bus on the ride from the finish of
a stage to the hotel during which the driver pretended to have engine
trouble and stopped on a remote mountain road for an hour or so so the
entire team could have half a liter of blood added. This was the only time
that I ever saw the entire team being transfused in plain view of all the
other riders and bus driver. That team included Lance Armstrong, George
Hincapie and I as the only Americans.

2005: I had learned at this point how to do most of the transfusion
technicals and other things on my own so I hired Allen Lim as my assistant
to help with details and logistics. He helped Levi Leipheimer and I prepare
the transfusions for Levi and I and made sure they were kept at the proper
temperature. We both did two seperate transfusions that Tour however my
hematocrit was too low at the start so I did my first one a few days before
the start so as to not start with a deficit.

2006: Well you get the idea....... One thing of great signigicance is that
I sat down with Andy Riis and explained to him what was done in the past and
what was the risk I would be taking and ask for his permission which he
granted in the form of funds to complete the operation described. John
Lelangue was also informed by me and Andy Riis consulted with Jim Ochowitz
before agreeing.

There are many many more details that I have in diaries and am in the
process of writing into an intelligible story but since the position of USA
Cycling is that there have not been enough details shared to justify calling
USADA, I am writing as many as I can reasonably put into an email and share
with you so as to ascertain what is the process which USA Cycling uses to
proceed with such allegations.

Look forward to much more detail as soon as you can demonstrate that you can
be trusted to do the right thing.

The most said part is that in 50 or so years you ask any person an the planet "who is the best rider" - you know the answer.
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Re: The Ugly Truth (Armstrong)

Сообщение scourge » 22 июн 2010, 20:50

It was therain that made Floyd Landis drink 13 cappuccinos.
It wasn’t because he thought it was a good idea.
Floyd and another young member of the U.S. Postal team, Dave Zabriskie, were
sharing an apartment in Girona in the spring of 2002, and it had rained for weeks
on end. There wasn’t a lot to do except ride their bikes, and it had strained their
abilities to entertain themselves. When they woke up to gray skies and wet streets
for yet another day, Floyd said to Dave, “Screw it, let’s not ride today. Let’s hang
out at the café.”
They wandered down to the town square and took a table in a sidewalk café.
They watched people go by, and Floyd ordered a cappuccino. It arrived, frothing
and aromatic. After a while, he ordered another, and then another. “How many of
those are you going to drink?” Zabriskie said. Floyd shrugged. So Zabriskie joined
him, and ordered another. And it went on like that for three hours, Floyd and Dave
lounging and drinking coffee, after coffee, after coffee, with mounting hilarity. When
the check came, Floyd found he’d had 13 cappuccinos.
The next day the story got back to me. I’d been watching Floyd carefully. He was
an interesting new kid on the team, made up of equal parts mischief and talent. He
was a 26-year-old from a Mennonite family inLancaster,Pennsylvania, who’d run
off to become a mountain biker and had then switched over to road racing. He
showed promise, but he’d had some hard luck, and he obviously hadn’t yet
learned how to be a professional, either. He was loud and smart-alecky and he
liked to blast ZZ Top, which in combination with his iffy training habits made him
seem like a slacker to the veteran cyclists on our team, who were all serious in their
work habits. If he didn’t know better than to blow off training and try to give himself
caffeine poisoning, he needed to learn. Mainly he was young.
(LA, Every Second Counts)
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Re: The Ugly Truth (Armstrong)

Сообщение scourge » 22 июн 2010, 21:01

He claims everybody does it (because of the money and stuff). The thing is, he may have written this bullshit for money and attention.
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Re: The Ugly Truth (Armstrong)

Сообщение Malibo » 22 июн 2010, 21:10

Hi there,
All is very sad! :-(
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Re: The Ugly Truth (Armstrong)

Сообщение andrei » 22 июн 2010, 22:35

scourge писал(а):He claims everybody does it (because of the money and stuff). The thing is, he may have written this bullshit for money and attention.

whatever his cause was, but mostly this is true and it's not as much athletes fault, but WADA, IOC and other lawyer/doctors/etc mafia - they care about money as usual and as usual found the way to take it from athletes, because of poor doping control athletes have to pay first to doctors (it's like a cold war - you know they don't tested drugs well and you suppose that other athletes may and will use it to dop. And you love the sport and want to stay in, but to be competitive you have to..) then they (athletes) have pay to WADA to cover positive test or lawyers to do something about that. WADA (own by western world) has control over the sport by that means and may let English athletes to dop and catch Russians for example.. many to say
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Re: The Ugly Truth (Armstrong)

Сообщение andrei » 25 июн 2010, 15:39

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Re: The Ugly Truth (Armstrong)

Сообщение serhiypopoff » 25 дек 2010, 06:56

I'd like to add couple of videos abot Lance Armstrong & Tour De France 100th aniversary by EUROSPORT TV, year 2003

Any opinions welcome :)

Have a good video views


Svetogor=Serhiy Popoff=Сергей Попов

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Re: The Ugly Truth (Armstrong)

Сообщение Gorian » 25 дек 2010, 09:43

так а что тут думать. для большинства и для меня тоже этот человек будет легендой на все времена
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Re: The Ugly Truth (Armstrong)

Сообщение andrei » 25 дек 2010, 12:05

Gorian писал(а):there is nothing to take into consideration - for majority, as well as for myself this person will be the all time legend

he was best among others who had to play by real life rules and was using best drug they could get, imho. I feel sorry for some athletes who restrained themselves from it and probably ended up never even get into first tier pro teams - for sure they wil get theirs price in the next life..
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Re: The Ugly Truth (Armstrong)

Сообщение polaris » 25 дек 2010, 14:44

andrei писал(а): for sure they wil get theirs price in the next life..

+1 everybody make their own future consciously.
Последний раз редактировалось polaris 26 дек 2010, 13:21, всего редактировалось 1 раз.
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Re: The Ugly Truth (Armstrong)

Сообщение Gotty » 25 дек 2010, 18:54

Ideals are like the stars: we never reach them, but like the mariners of the sea, we chart our course by them.
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Re: The Ugly Truth (Armstrong)

Сообщение serhiypopoff » 28 дек 2010, 17:58

Lance Armstrong Comeback - Las Vegas Cyclocross 2008

The Boss is Back and he's serious about getting back into his training! Cyclefilm caught a glimpse of the action at Lance Armstrong's first official race back at the Cross Vegas Cyclocross event. Will it be Armstrong's 8th Tour de France victory in July'09 or just an extended PR drive for his Livestrong campaign? Either way is fine by us. We're happy to see him back on the road and on 2 wheels. Includes interview at the end.

Lance in Kona preparing for comeback, go directly at
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Re: The Ugly Truth (Armstrong)

Сообщение andrei » 23 янв 2011, 14:34

Share William Fotheringham, Wednesday 19 January 2011 21.40 GMT Article history
Lance Armstrong, centre, rides with the peleton in the Tour Down Under where he was hit by new allegations in the magazine Sports Illustrated that he used performance-enhancing drugs. Photograph: Mark Gunter/AFP/Getty Images

The final international race of Lance Armstrong's 19-year career was intended to be a relaxed swan song in the Australian sun in front of adoring crowds, but the seven-times Tour de France winner was today forced to swat away new allegations that he may have used performance-enhancing drugs.

A lengthy investigation published in the American magazine Sports Illustrated included claims that he had been found to have higher than usual testosterone ratios in 1993, 1994 and 1996, and suggested that his teams had maintained links with his controversial trainer Dr Michele Ferrari. Armstrong has always denied using drugs and his spokesman Mark Fabiani called the allegations "old news from the same, old discredited sources".

Asked about the Sports Illustrated story at the start of the day's stage of the Tour Down Under, Armstrong responded briefly with: "I have nothing to say." Armstrong said he had read the article: "I perused it -- there's nothing there." Pressed to give a response, the exchange became more heated as Armstrong said to the reporter who posed the question: "What part of I'm not commenting is not clear to you?" Later, he added: "I don't have anything to worry about, on any level." After the article appeared on Sports Illustrated's website, the twitter feed juanpelota, which is used by Armstrong for his triathlon activities, ran a brief comment: "that's it?"

The exchanges in Australia and the Sports Illustrated report were an echo of the first time Armstrong retired from racing, after he took his seventh win in the Tour in 2005. A few weeks later the newspaper L'Equipe splashed the headline Le Mensonge Armstrong (The Armstrong lie) across its front page, breaking
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Re: The Ugly Truth (Armstrong)

Сообщение andrei » 23 янв 2011, 14:35

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Re: The Ugly Truth (Armstrong)

Сообщение serhiypopoff » 13 дек 2011, 13:10

Год 1993. Знаменитый отрыв молодого в погоне за титулом :)

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